Stages Vs Statuses In Kapost
Understanding Stages
A Content Stage is a set of tasks that are used as a template and are added to the Workflow tab in Content Types and Workflow (optional) so that the tasks are tied to the workflow when a content asset is created with the applied content type. You can also track the movement of each task in the stage and customize the tasks.
In a content asset, content stages may be added regardless of whether the workflow already has content stages available for that content type. Similarly, content stages can also be added ad hoc even if the selected content type is not associated with any content stages.
Note: Content stages is not a part of the initiatives.
Remember that the Content Stages can be created and updated only in the Content Stage page, but the tasks can be added, modified or deleted in the workflow and it won't affect the template!
Related Topics:
Filtering content Stages in Content and Task Catalog
Understanding Statuses
Content Status allows you to easily track where Content and Initiatives are in their lifecycle. Status can be used as filters on any list or calendar to easily find just the most relevant content.
Related Topics:
The different Status definitions are listed below:
Planned means the content asset or initiative will be worked on in the future and the creation process has not yet started. When you create a content asset or initiative, the asset is considered "Planned" in Kapost.
In Progress means the creation process has started. The status will automatically switch from Planned to In Progress when you check off the first task in the workflow. You can also update the status manually.
Complete means the content asset or initiative is complete and the creation process is finished. When all of the tasks are checked off in a workflow, Kapost will automatically ask if you'd like to set the status to complete. You can also update the status manually.
The Statuses are further classified as Published, Unpublished, Promoted, Archived which can only be applied to content assets in Kapost and are related to the state the content is in.
Published means that the content asset has been published from Kapost. You must click the publish button on an individual asset and publish it to a destination or publish the asset manually for the asset to be considered "Published".
Unpublished means the content asset has not yet been published from Kapost.
Promoted means the content asset has been promoted from Kapost. To promote an asset you must click on the button for the correct promotional destination under the Promotion section of an individual asset.
Archived means the content has been archived within Kapost. Learn more about archiving content here.
Note: The Archived filter lives under the status filter in the calendar and content catalog. Unlike other status filters, you must use it as a stand-alone filter. It is not possible to filter archived content along with content that is not archived.
Example: You can filter for both Published and Promoted content at the same time, but not Archived and Promoted.
To filter the Content Status (Planned, In Progress and Complete) and Stage Status in content catalog, refer to Filtering by Stage and Status.
To filter the Content Status (Published, Unpublished, Promoted, Archived) in content catalog:
- On the Home page left navigation bar, click on
- Click on the Filter > Content Details.
- In the Publish status drop-down list, select the status with which you want to filter.
- To view the archived content, select the checkbox associated with Archived Content field.